Leadership Potential

Rating scale:   (5) great   (4) pretty good   (3) ok   (2) a struggle   (1) really bad

1.        Have you ever broken a bad habit? To lead others, you must master your appetites.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

2.        Do you keep self-control when things go wrong? The leader who loses control under adversity forfeits respect and influence. A leader must be calm in crisis and resilient in disappointment.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

3.        Do you think independently? A leader must use the best ideas of others to make decisions. A leader cannot wait for others to make up his or her mind.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

4.        Can you handle criticism? Can you profit from it? The humble person can learn from petty criticism, even malicious criticism.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

5.        Can you turn disappointment into creative new opportunity?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

6.        Do you readily gain the cooperation of others and win their re­spect and confidence?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

7.        Can you exert discipline without making a power play? True leadership is an internal quality of the spirit and needs no show of external force.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

8.        Are you a peacemaker? A leader must be able to reconcile with opponents and make peace where arguments have created hostil­ity.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

9.        Do people trust you with difficult and delicate situations?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

10.     Can you induce people to do happily some legitimate thing that they would not normally wish to do?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

11.     Can you accept opposition to your viewpoint or decision without taking offense? Leaders always face opposition.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

12.     Can you make and keep friends? Your circle of loyal friends is an index of your leadership potential.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

13.     Do you depend on the praise of others to keep you going? Can you hold steady in the face of disapproval and even temporary loss of confidence?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

14.     Are you at ease in the presence of strangers? Do you get nervous in the presence of your superior?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

15.     Are the people who report to you generally at ease? A leader should be sympathetic and friendly.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

16.     Are you interested in people? All types? All races? No prejudice?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

17.     Are you tactful? Can you anticipate how your words will affect a person?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

18.     Is your will strong and steady? Leaders cannot vacillate or cannot drift with the wind.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

19.     Can you forgive? Or do you nurse resentments and harbor ill, feelings toward those who have injured you?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

20.     Are you reasonably optimistic? Pessimism and leadership do not mix.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

21.     Do you feel a master passion such as that of Paul, who said, "This one thing I do!" Such a singleness of motive will focus your energies and powers on the desired objective. Leaders need a strong focus.

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1

22.     Do you welcome responsibility?

Rate:   5      4     3     2     1